About Ian O'Neill

As a young adult I received a lot of counselling help which saved my life from becoming completely sidelined by anxiety, so my psychotherapy practice is also a way of ‘paying it forward’, I know what it’s like to be a client. Most psychotherapists also undergo psychotherapy as part of our training. I have known psychiatrists, psychologists, family doctors and psychotherapists as their psychotherapy client or patient over the years. Some I encountered as part of my training, others I sought out years before when I realized a therapist could help me. My first psychiatrist 40 years ago was deeply helpful to me, and my recollections of her open, transparent style of practicing psychotherapy has inspired me as a psychotherapist.

Personal Interests

I am unofficially my family’s archivist, in charge of a huge cache of family photos entrusted to me by my 95 yr old mother, and I am now digitizing these photos for future generations of our family. It’s a major task trying to figure out who’s who in all those photos, but so much fun! I have photos dating back as far as the 1870s. And yes, I am interested in family theory as a psychotherapist!

My great great grandfather, much younger than I am at the time of this photograph, circa 1875.

I am fascinated by the past, including the decades I remember, especially the 1960s and 70s, which I feel deeply privileged to have experienced even though the price of that experience is to now be a “little older” than many in the 2020s!

Education and Experience


  • Registered Psychotherapist in Private Practice June 2022 – Present
    – Video based one on one and couples psychotherapy
  • Employment Assistance Program (EAP) Counsellor  February 2017-Present                                KITCHENER ON, RED DEER & EDMONTON AB
    – Telus Health (LifeWorks/Morneau Shepell) 6000+ hours counselling experience.
    * <A special note to my EAP clients\> (link to reference to Telus Health)
  • Psychotherapy Intern September 2014-August 2016                       
    Christian Counselling Services  One on one and couples psychotherapy. 
  • Minister, Student Supply   September 2010 – January 2016                      
    United Church of Canada    Psycho-Spiritual Counselling provided on an as needed basis.


  • Registered Psychotherapist (RP) qualified for independent practice – College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO)


  • Certificate in Psychotherapy (Masters Equivalent) Toronto Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling Education (TCPCE) Dec 2022
  • Trauma Competency Training – Jack Hirose & Associates Inc. Nov 2018 
  • Master of Divinity Emmanuel College, University of Toronto May 2016              
  • Bachelor of Arts Erindale College, University of Toronto May 1982

For more information regarding my resume visit my LinkedIn page.

* Telus Health clients should go to the following link. Please be advised that I do not see Telus Health EAP/WSP clients in my private practice, but the good news is you can see me via your EAP benefits using Telus Health.

Call 1 833 IONEILL (466 3455) to book an appointment.

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